Our Brand's Story

Welcome to The Bella Noire Store!  We are a small business located in Auburn, AL.  The store’s owner, LaToya, is pictured above.

Behind the Brand: The Bella Noire Store was birthed in July 2020. I was doing a lot of pandemic shopping, with nowhere to go like most consumers. My boyfriend suggested that I start shopping for other women, because I didn’t need another item! And he was right! Lol!  I initially frowned at his suggestion, because I did NOT want to sell cheap, skimpy clothes.  And he simply replied, “you don’t have to.” One night while suffering from insomnia, I began to research his idea and I became intrigued. After doing my research, I took him up on his idea. I prayed about it, like I do most decisions, and God gave me a vision as well as a name, so I saved it in my notes for future reference because I knew I’d forget. From there, my vision starting coming to life. Within 2 weeks, I started executing my vision. I knew I couldn’t wait too long, because procrastination would set in and it would never get done. 

I ordered my first sample and let me say, it was HORRIBLE!! I kept testing different vendors and finally decided on my launch products. With the help of family and friends, I received valuable feedback and support and here we are! 

Who Our Brand Serves:  The Bella Noire Store was created for you, the fashionista on the go!  We provide transitional pieces that can be dressed up or worn casually, so that you feel confident, stylish and feminine.  That's because unlike other stores that focus on affordability and trends, we offer timeless pieces that you're sure to adore for years to come! So from the office to date night, we've got you covered!

Be Bold • Be Confident • Be You

Thank you for visiting our site and we hope you find your next statement piece at The Bella Noire Store!

